District 5 uses the State guidelines in the Photography Contest.
Theme category is “Holiday Season in Texas.” This theme allows 4-H member to take photos of any holiday from January 1, 2012 to time of entry. The Holiday theme should have photographs that
depict a Texas theme/flare or western heritage. Photographs can include nature, landscape, people, animals (domestic and wildlife) as long as the subject of the photo is clearly related to a holiday
with a Texas/Western basis.
Format/Size of Photograph: We have changed the requirement of photo size to assist 4-H members in submitting entries. Photographs should be taken at the highest resolution possible.
Photographs must be in a .jpeg, .jpg, or .gif formation. Files submitted may not be larger than 2,048k (2MB). Best of Show winners may be asked to submit a high-resolution file or an original negative, print, or slide.
CLARIFICATION: It is extremely important that 4-H members, project leaders, parents, and county Extension agents review the descriptions of each category very carefully. Please do not enter
photographs into categories that are duplicates from other categories or ones that do not clearly meet the category description. Photographs that do not meet the description of the category will be